Twinning in Closet Candy with My Bestie!

When you and your bestie have a plethora of matching clothing, the only natural thing to do is have a twinning photoshoot! We had so much fun playing around with clothes and our pups, laughing our way through our photos, and trying to get our four-legged poop machines to cooperate.

Dog Mom Top:

Both Nikki and I are Independent Stylists with Closet Candy and we thought this would be a great way to show off how some of the CCB items look on different body types. Their release of the Dog Mom sweaters made it a perfect opportunity for us to show off our furry little babies too! You can follow us both on Instagram - Nikki is @nikki_buziecki and I’m @karina_discovers.

To shop these looks, head on over to! To become an Independent Stylist yourself, check out the details in my blog post!

enjoy! xoxo