Keto Coconut Chocolate Chip Bars

I know, I know…it’s the Big Game today and I should be posting about something grilled or fried, but alas, all I wanted to do was bake because, well, I love it! I’m glad I did because these Keto Coconut Chocolate Chip Bars are so darn yummy. They aren’t too sweet, they have a nice texture, and I didn’t burn them - SUCCESS!

I’m starting to learn two very important things about Keto baking. First, the recipes that don’t crumble have a combination of almond flour, coconut flour, and xantham gum. Second, I need to LINE THE DAMN BAKING DISHES WITH PARCHMENT PAPER. When I flipped the bars out of the baking dish, they broke apart because they stuck to the bottom. Seriously, when will I learn? These delightful Keto treats do NOT come out of the pan as easily as flour-based baked good. Sigh. At least they still look good and definitely tasted goods, right?

The recipe for these came from, which I found on Pinterest. They seem to have many more Keto baking recipes that I will definitely be trying in the future. Now I’m going to relax, watch the game, and enjoy this lovely Sunday!


enjoy! xoxo