An Evening with Kenobi and Koufax

As a photographer, I’ve had my fair share of challenges getting juussstttt the right shot, especially when multiple people are involved. It has been NO different with Kenobi and Koufax. Mr. San Diego and I have resorted to all forms of bribery in our attempts to get both pups to take a decent photo together. If they’re alone, taking their photo is a piece of cake - but throw them together and it turns into absolute chaos, and all commands are forgotten and ignored.

That is why this particular photoshoot was extra special - I FINALLY GOT A SHOT OF THE BOTH OF THEM and it doesn’t suck! They’re both in the same position, both looking in the same direction, and both looking like the most well-behaved pups in all the land! It warranted a special blog post to share this glorious moment. All it took was half a bag of training treats, twenty minutes of begging (on our part), and a whoooollleeee lot of patience. Hooray!

To make it even better, they both kept their Billy Wolf bandanas on, and they look like the cutest little models! If you recall, Kenobi is a Brand Ambassador with Billy Wolf and even has his own discount code, “kenobi10”, for 10% off your order at! I hope you enjoy these special shots!

enjoy! xoxo