Koufax's DNA Test Results!

I cannot express HOW EXCITING it was to open Koufax’s DNA results from Embark this week. Our little rescue pup’s possible breeds have been such a mystery to us, and we had all sorts of wild guesses as to what he could be. His rescue group, Cody’s Friends Rescue, listed him as a German Shepherd mix, and we thought he might also have some Black Lab, maybe some Border Collie, or possibly some Pit Bull. We couldn’t account for what made his fur almost entirely all black.

Mr. San Diego and I were completely blown away to find out he is almost one-third……


After the crazy weather and snow we had in Fort Worth a few weeks back, I should have KNOWN he was a Husky mix!!! He loved the snow SO MUCH, and I couldn’t get him inside for the life of me, even when it was below freezing outside. I would shake the treat bag at him to entice him to come inside (which always works), yet he refused to listen! Now it all makes sense and also explains why his fur is so soft and why his paws are so big and hairy.

According to some of the research I did, Huskies are incredibly friendly, outgoing, and energetic - which Koufax definitely is. The breed is also listed as destructive when left alone due to being loyal pack animals, and all of Koufax’s destroyed crate mats confirm this as well. Koufax is always jumping, and he gets SO HIGH that I thought he might be part kangaroo, but it turns out it’s a breed trait! He is also OBSESSED WITH DIGGING and is very vocal when playing or wanting our attention.

One of the surprising facts I learned about Huskies is that they come in a variety of colors. I did an image search for “black husky” and saw tons of pups that look so much like Koufax. Fascinating, I tell ya!

You can get $40 off your Health + Breed Kit if you use my Referral Link: https://www.talkable.com/x/XsBVM6

Australian Cattle Dog

Here is another breed I never once guessed, but makes a load of sense! Koufax is fearless, where his brother Kenobi is a needy scaredy-cat. He has so much energy and absolutely loves any type of engagement such as treat training, playing non-stop fetch with a tennis ball, or chasing after unsuspecting bunnies who dare to venture into our yard. Oh, how he lovessss chasing those bunnies. He has yet to catch one, thank goodness.

Shih Tzu?!

Still scratching my head at this one, but it’s hilarious. From now on, I’ll refer to him as a Shih Tzu mix if anyone asks - ha!

embark breed + health test

There are two test kits offered by Embark. The less expensive option only tests for breeds, but the second option includes tests for genetic health risks, inbreeding, and other traits. It is such a relief to know that Koufax didn’t test positive for any of the genetic conditions they tested him for! There is so much more data provided than what I show below, and I think it makes the upgraded test worth the money. We did the same test for Kenobi - you can see his results here!


save $40 on your own test

If you’re interested in finding out more about your pup, save $40 on Embark Breed + Health by using my Referral Link: https://www.talkable.com/x/XsBVM6!

woof (enjoy)! xoxo