Koufax's 1st Birthday!

How is this insanely cute little boy one today?! HOW?! Koufax was a whopping 22 lbs. when he joined our family around Christmas last year. Now he’s a little over 60 lbs., slightly taller and longer than his older brother, and a whole year old. My heart can’t believe that my little pup is not so little anymore.

To celebrate this exciting day, I made Koufax a pup-friendly birthday cake with whipped cream as the frosting! I used the same recipe for Kenobi’s birthday back in April, and I love that it does not upset either of their tummies. Koufax was more excited for the whipped cream than he was for the cake itself, but he didn’t mind sharing with his brother, who was more than happy to finish off what he left behind. It made my heart SO HAPPY to see how excited Koufax was when he saw his special treat next to two giant tennis balls! He lovessssss tennis balls and he could barely contain his excitement. The boys had a blast playing and eating, and it was hilarious to see them play hard and pass out from all the treats and excitement.

Here are the links to the cake recipe and the other items we ordered from Amazon!


enjoy! xoxo