Reese's Book Club | February '20: The Scent Keeper

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The Scent Keeper by Erica Bauermeister is the Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine pick for February 2020! Here is the description directly from Goodreads: “a moving and evocative coming-of-age novel about childhood stories, families lost and found, and how a fragrance conjures memories capable of shaping the course of our lives.”

For more information about the Author, Reese’s Book Club, or my SPOILER FILLED thoughts on the book - scroll down!

my rating:

so damn good.png

Here are some links to purchase the book and/or learn more about Erica Bauermeister:

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*** spoiler alert ***

What a magical book! Seriously, I absolutely adored it. Every step of the journey with Emmeline felt like a discovery I was making along with her. There was no way I could anticipate where the story was going, what was to come next, how things would unfold - and I absolutely loved that. It kept me captivated in the magic of the scents and the stories, not even worrying about what was to come, and only focusing on what was happening in the moment - just like Emmeline when she was entranced with reading a scent.

Under normal circumstances, I would be furious that a parent kidnapped their own child and forced them to live an isolated existence because they were dealing with their own issues. I would find it selfish and cruel to manipulate a child the way Emmeline’s Father manipulated her into believing in magic and stories. In a way, I am furious about that, but without that special childhood, would Emmeline have developed into the observant and talented person that she became? It’s hard to know. She was loved, above all else - and is that overwhelming love and happiness more important than acclimation to society?

Can we talk about how incredible Bauermeister’s descriptions of the scents were? It made me jealous in a way, wishing that I had that kind of talent! It makes me wonder how much of Emmeline’s life was rooted in Bauermeister’s own, because it seems impossible to me that someone could write a book like this and not have personal experience rooted in it. I loved her imagery and I loved the way it made me feel. It was like yoga for my soul, calm and purposeful.

I wish the story ended with more understanding of what happened to Emmeline, Fisher, and her baby. Did she immediately get pregnant? Did she stay at the Cove? Did Fisher’s Dad leave him alone when they went back? I mean, the story ended beautifully and maybe the lack of details is part of the mystery, but my curiosity wanted to know more!

What did you think of the book? Did it have the same effect on you as it did with me! I’d love to know. Leave me a comment below!

enjoy! xoxo